From the Workshop

October 19, 2011

Window to my workshop 56

Filed under: No 10 smoother/mitre,Window to my workshop — Tags: , , , — admin @ 4:21 pm

Some of the woods that I intend to use in the No 10. Although it doesn’t look at its best at this stage I am putting the picture up to satisfy an enquiry.  There is ebony, box and rosewood.

This wood is very,  very special.  It is Pterocarpus santalinus.  As it comes at a premium it will only be appreciated by those who are familiar with this wood.

I think I have been here before, though in a different application.

These are 5 blade snecks with the riveting milled in situ.  The sneck blades I like the most have usually been on antique plane blades.  These snecks are usually quite small and look much nicer than some of the oversized ones which facilitate riveting.   The smaller snecks were only done in the past when forging was the usual way.  I am confident of the small sneck being strong enough by making the rivet integral to the body.


These snecks are separated after the milling is complete.  There is still a lot of work to be done as they have to be made oversized for work holding. I will show some more of the work as I progress.

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